H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I'm trying to tell the story of the evolution of America. Each biography is a life in time, and I can see there's a particular task for each generation that I write about.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I had this grand plan for writing the history of the United States in six volumes. This was in the mid-1990s; I was fairly young and very ambitious. I pitched it to a publisher, who just laughed at me.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

Everything that happens today is like something in the past, but it's also unlike things in the past. We never know until an event happens if it's the similarities or differences that matter more.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

Some years ago, I read Thomas Carlyle's history of the French Revolution, and I was very taken by the way he told the story, and it seemed as though I was right in the middle of things. And it took me a while to figure out how he achieved that effect, and one of the ways was to write it in the present tense.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

With my students, I always have to sell my subject because I know when you're 19, 20 years old, you've got other things on your mind besides American history. What I have to do is make this as compelling as possible.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I certainly don't think that the heirs of the American Revolution were a particularly noble class.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

When you look at the development of the American presidency, you see that the presidents who have had the greatest impact are the ones who fit their times most successfully.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

For Andrew Jackson, politics was very personal. He hated not just the federal debt. He hated debt at all.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

In the academic world, biographies of these great figures of the past fell out of favor in the 1960s, when there was a turn toward social history, which meant the history of the voiceless and faceless. But the public at large never embraced the idea that these dead white guys should be abandoned.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

In some ways, I would be absolutely fascinated if Trump gets elected.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

By the early 1960s, there was a moral consensus on what needed to be done on civil rights.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

It's hard to say that Trump actually has a health care policy.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

You can always find people, ordinary people, who will support your particular view, so it becomes a politics of personality, especially at the presidential level. People often go for somebody that they like or somebody that they can identify with.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I never admit to wishing I'd written something by another author, but if my name mysteriously appeared on the title page of 'The Guns of August,' I wouldn't complain.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I read in all forms: paper, computer, phone, audio.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

Even when candidates have degrees from Harvard and Yale, they try to run as the candidate of the common man.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

I've been writing American history for a long time, and I've had a hard time finding strong, interesting female characters. There are women, of course, in American history, but they're hard to write about because they don't leave much of a historical trace, and they're not usually involved in high-profile public events.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

When the Constitution was written in 1787, there was this supposition that American politics would be above party. The people who would staff the positions in government would have the interests of the country, or at least their states and congressional districts, at heart, and so they wouldn't form permanent political parties.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

The Reagan Revolution has had no second act.

H. W. Brands
H. W. Brands

It wasn't the smiling Trump that people elected. It was the frowning, glowering, angry Donald Trump that people elected.