Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Let me go over this again on the reclaiming the civil rights movement. People of faith that believe that you have an equal right to justice - that is the essence. And if it's not the essence, then we've been sold a pack of lies. The essence is everyone deserves a shot - the content of character, not the color of skin.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

You know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one - I can't speak for you, but I'm on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

We're giving our freedoms away. The American experiment was about freedom. Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

It's not just spending, it's not just taxes, it's not just corruption, it is progressivism, and it is in both parties. It is in the Republicans and the Democrats.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Every time the government grows we lose more of who we are.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be 'What the hell you mean we're out of missiles?'

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

What does it mean to be a conservative? I don't even know anymore. I know what it means to me. It means to me, personal responsibility. That if I've done something wrong, its up to me to pay the price. It's up to me to make it right.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

People should be free, people should be unencumbered by regulation as much as possible, that big government always goes corrupt and the truth shall always set you free.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Oprah is wildly successful, and she's a brilliant businesswoman. She's also somebody who's overcome a ton of demons in her own life, and that's really what shaped her. I think the same could be said for me.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

The message that I gave on the - on the steps today was that you need to stand for those things that are right and empower the individual. Believe in the power of one person. Don't believe that you can't do it. Everybody wants - everybody wants a shot. That we can all agree on. Beyond that, it becomes politics. I'm not talking politics.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Please stop teaching my children that everyone gets a trophy just for participating. What is this, the Nobel Prize? Not everybody gets a trophy.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I can multitask like crazy. I'm riddled with ADD - a blessing and a curse.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I believe that if we get out of people's way, the sky's the limit. The sky is the limit.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

No one is guaranteed happiness. You can pursue it, but if you happen to find success along the way on that road to happiness, Conservatives believe you should not be demonized or penalized for it.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Without failure there is no sweetness in success. There's no understanding of it.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

We all know what the problems are: it's tax and spend. One party will tax and spend, the other party won't tax but will spend. It's both of them together.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I have not heard people in the Republican Party yet admit that they have a problem. And when they do say that they have a problem I don't know that I believe 'em.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Let me tell you, it is still morning in America. It just happens to be kind of a head pounding, hung over for four hours in America - and it's shaping up to be a nasty day, but its still morning in America.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

When did it something of shame or ridicule to be a self-made man in America?