Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Americans also don't need to be taught how to give. We don't need to be taught how to take care of each other or how to be charitable.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

To restore America we need less Marx and more Madison.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

It does not have to be that the greatest generation is behind us. It does not have to be that our children will have a lower standard of living. It will be that way if we choose to believe that. I choose not to believe that.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish. Go alert your bishop.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I think every American has a role in saving this country. Whether you're Democrat, Republican, independent, it doesn't matter. We all know the country's in trouble. We may disagree on how to solve it, but we all know the country's in trouble.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I have no desire to be president of the United States. Zero desire. I don't think that I would be electable. And there are far too many people that are far smarter than me to be president. I'd like to find one with some honor and integrity. I haven't seen them yet, but they'll show up.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

Quite honestly, I was running from myself. But I knew how to work Top 40 radio.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I was in Washington, D.C., on the morning show, by the time I was 18, programming a station by 19, No. 1 in the mornings. I think I was making, I don't know, a quarter of a million dollars by the time I was 25.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

By the time I was 30, nobody would work with me. I was friendless, I was hopeless, I was suicidal, lost my family - I mean, it was bad. Bottomed out, didn't know what I was going to do. I actually thought I was going to be a chef - go to work in a kitchen someplace.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

You've got to demand the truth from yourself.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I'm a dad, and I no longer see a way for my kids to even inherit the money that I'm making, let alone go out there, have an idea, and create it in their own lifetime.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I'm not interested in breaking news. I'm interested in telling the story of what's going on and then trying to figure it out.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

What I'm trying to do is get this message out about self-empowerment, entrepreneurial spirit and true Americanism - the way we were when we changed the world, when Edison was alone, failing his 2,000th time on the lightbulb.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

A country is made not by policy alone, but by its music, its entertainment shows, all of it.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

My father told me abuse is generational.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I don't fancy myself a political commentator. I hate politics. I hate it.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

When you're true to yourself - not the audience that reads about me in the newspaper or sees a clip someplace, but the audience that actually comes and watches, just like Oprah - they get to know you and they sense something genuine.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I am going to take something I learned over in Israel. Their Independence Day is preceded the 24 hours before with Memorial Day, so it gives them a chance to serve and reflect and then celebrate. I am going to try to start that tradition here in America.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

I wasn't just pro-choice, I was pro-everything, until I started taking everything off the table and began looking at things and asking if this view was consistent with that view.