Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

A lot of period dramas can appear quite arch to most people, stuffy.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

I think for me the job always has to be the right thing at the right time.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

Watch the History Channel if you want it literal and historically perfect.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

It's sort of a meat market, the whole awards thing, and I don't think you can predict it anymore - who's going to like what you've done, if it's worthy or not. And hopefully, that's not why you make a film, because if you're distracted by that, or only striving for that, you don't do it justice.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

I had a non-existent knowledge of Queen Victoria's early years. Like everyone else, I thought of her as an old lady dressed in black. My mom had told me about her, though, that she had a very loving relationship with Albert, that they had lots of kids, and that he died young.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

People just want to know something, anything. It's all the stuff you never want to talk about, the private stuff.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

It's quite hard to faze me. I'm fairly un-shockable.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

I want to find something really wonderful to do next and take my time to search through the dearth of great material, especially for women.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

I would love to be on Broadway!

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

I'm Sudafed-ed up, but it's alright because I'm having to do this rather sultry scene, so maybe it's OK that my voice is three octaves lower.

Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt

The performances I enjoy are the ones that are hard to read or ambiguous or left-of-centre because it makes you look closer and that's what humans are like - quite mysterious creatures, hard to pinpoint.