E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The historical circumstance of interest is that the tropical rain forests have persisted over broad parts of the continents since their origins as stronghold of the flowering plants 150 million years ago.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

Ants make up two-thirds of the biomass of all the insects. There are millions of species of organisms and we know almost nothing about them.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

People need a sacred narrative. They must have a sense of larger purpose, in one form or another, however intellectualized. They will find a way to keep ancestral spirits alive.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them, and have never regretted it.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

One thing I did was grow up as an ardent naturalist. I never grew out of my bug period.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The human mind evolved to believe in the gods. It did not evolve to believe in biology.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The biological evolutionary perception of life and of human qualities is radically different from that of traditional religion, whether it's Southern Baptist or Islam or any religion that believes in a supernatural supervalance over humanity.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

In many environments, take away the ants and there would be partial collapses in many of the land ecosystems.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The world depends on fungi, because they are major players in the cycling of materials and energy around the world.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

'The Creation' presents an argument for saving biological diversity on Earth. Most of the book is for as broad an audience as possible.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

But once the ants and termites jumped the high barrier that prevents the vast variety of evolving animal groups from becoming fully social, they dominated the world.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The two major challenges for the 21st century are to improve the economic situation of the majority and save as much of the planet as we can.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

I tend to believe that religious dogma is a consequence of evolution.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

I had in mind a message, although I hope it doesn't intrude too badly, persuading Americans, and especially Southerners, of the critical importance of land and our vanishing natural environment and wildlife.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

When you get into the whole field of exploring, probably 90 percent of the kinds of organisms, plants, animals and especially microorganisms and tiny invertebrate animals are unknown. Then you realize that we live on a relatively unexplored plan.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

I grew up as a Southern Baptist with strict adherence to the Bible, which I read as a youngster.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

Well, let me tell you, ants are the dominant insects. They make up as much as a quarter of the biomass of all insects in the world. They are the principal predators. They're the cemetery workers.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

So in my freshman year at the University of Alabama, learning the literature on evolution, what was known about it biologically, just gradually transformed me by taking me out of literalism and increasingly into a more secular, scientific view of the world.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

The work on ants has profoundly affected the way I think about humans.

E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson

Religious beliefs evolved by group-selection, tribe competing against tribe, and the illogic of religions is not a weakness but their essential strength.