Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

I could still walk the street. I don't have to have no massive security.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

Scientology is not a white religion. It is not just for white people.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

Scientology is not written with disrespect toward God. It doesn't worship something that is evil. It is scientific, mathematical, and spiritual. The black community has to check it out and see what's there. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but you have to take a look.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

It's like having a conversation. Doing beatbox for me is as natural as talking is for someone else. Sending sound through a certain part of my throat, so that I am accurate every time. It's not like whatever happens happens, this is a focused sound.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

Essence is something I always enjoy, because I love New Orleans. Since they brought it back to New Orleans, it's a special place to me. We been doing it since the beginning. We did it when it was in Houston, but there's nothing like New Orleans.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

I think the rebuilding of the city has to start with the spirit first. So the music, the vibe, the connection spiritually with the artists. Everybody out here is the main key. A lot of people are still in a lot of tough situations. My heart still goes out to the people of New Orleans.

Doug E. Fresh
Doug E. Fresh

There's nothing more special than talking in your community, and using your celebrity to uplift people and help them.