David Brock
David Brock

Ignorance can be improved; willful ignorance and inaction is inexcusable.

David Brock
David Brock

Once you apologize, then the press wants you to get down on your knees and say you're sorry. They are not appeasable.

David Brock
David Brock

You never discount a demagogue.

David Brock
David Brock

I became a conservative for the first dozen years of my professional life in Berkeley, Calif., and it was a reaction against political correctness, so I get it.

David Brock
David Brock

Progressives are not going to give up on facts.

David Brock
David Brock

Editors of conservative magazines aren't out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank.

David Brock
David Brock

The GOP's policies are not designed to help the middle class. They are designed to help their wealthy, powerful friends and donors under the misguided idea that wealth will one day trickle down.

David Brock
David Brock

I was a bad journalist.

David Brock
David Brock

Trump's opinions on the Iraq War have been as erratic as his opinions on other foreign policy matters - such as his careless position to think more countries should acquire nuclear weapons.

David Brock
David Brock

I'm an incredibly hard worker, I'm incredibly tenacious, and I'm incredibly detail-oriented.

David Brock
David Brock

Writing at the 'American Spectator' in the 1990s, we threw everything we thought would stick at President Clinton.

David Brock
David Brock

There's certainly an attitude in some measure of the conservative movement that I believe won't accept the legitimacy of any Democratic president, and I think Obama did fall victim to that - witness the 'birthers.'

David Brock
David Brock

I didn't wake up one day and say, you know, 'Supply-side economics doesn't make sense.'

David Brock
David Brock

We who reject Trump's bankrupt leadership must heal old wounds, reorient ourselves, and embrace common goals. And if there is one thing on which we can all agree, it's this: we cannot concede any ground.

David Brock
David Brock

It's not a vast right-wing conspiracy. It's a right-wing conglomerate. It's more sophisticated, it's well-financed, it's well known.

David Brock
David Brock

When a political advocacy network hires a former CIA analyst and starts tailing save-our-parks activists, you know there's something terribly dangerous happening to our democracy.

David Brock
David Brock

The pro-Hillary groups needed to quit fighting each other and get down to business fighting Republicans.

David Brock
David Brock

The truth is that the more responsible the media outlet, the more responsive they are to constructive criticism.

David Brock
David Brock

It's all a sham: I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth.

David Brock
David Brock

I've been interested in watching the level of conservative misinformation that circulates through the media.