Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

We soon found that the white men were growing rich very fast, and were greedy.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

We did not know there were other people besides the Indian until about one hundred winters ago, when some men with white faces came to our country.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great many of our cattle. Some branded our young cattle so they could claim them.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

An Indian respects a brave man, but he despises a coward.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

A man who would not love his father's grave is worse than a wild animal.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I cannot tell how much my heart suffered for my people while at Leavenworth.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I want the white people to understand my people.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I would have given my own life if I could have undone the killing of white men by my people.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

My father... had sharper eyes than the rest of our people.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I would give up everything rather than have the blood of white men upon the hands of my people.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

For a short time we lived quietly. But this could not last. White men had found gold in the mountains around the land of winding water.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I only ask of the government to be treated as all other men are treated.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

Some of you think an Indian is like a wild animal. This is a great mistake.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

We gave up some of our country to the white men, thinking that then we could have peace. We were mistaken. The white man would not let us alone.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I have heard talk and talk, but nothing is done.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

We had a great many horses, of which we gave Lewis and Clark what they needed, and they gave us guns and tobacco in return.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

From where the sun now stands I will fight no more.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I will speak with a straight tongue.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph

I labored hard to avoid trouble and bloodshed.