Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I loved 'Get Out.'

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

On 'Black Mirror,' we don't tend to deal with big, powerful people, because when you look at a Weinstein or something, you think, 'Is he capable of feeling anything?'

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I think the problem we have as apes is we're asking far bigger questions than we could possibly process.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I'm quite techy and gadgety.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I've got no attention span.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I'm looking forward to the 'Twilight Zone' from Jordan Peele... if anyone's gonna reboot the 'Twilight Zone,' then there's the man to do it.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I don't know how, at an age when you're trying to put your identity together, how you cope with the pressure of a performance space, which is what social media is.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I've got a phobia about throwing up.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I'm extremely neurotic; it's the way my brain is built.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I used to draw comics a lot. I was obsessed with 'The Young Ones,' and was massively into video games, although I was no good at them.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I remember when I realised, as a child, 'That stuff on the TV about nuclear bombs is real! Why isn't everyone running around shouting 'Aaarrgghh'? Why are people still buying bicycle clips?'

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I'm not anti-technology at all, really.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

Videogames are probably my first love.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I liked that sort of thing, those one-off stories like 'Tales of the Unexpected,' 'Hammer House of Horror,' 'The Twilight Zone' and 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents.'

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I can't rank anything. I mean, how could anyone possibly say what their favourite piece of music is? I don't have the ability or the desire to categorise things of that nature.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

The sole purpose of a crown is to make anyone not wearing one feel like an insignificant pauper. They're obscene to the point of satire.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

I've scaled back my involvement with Twitter; it's too easy to get dragged into an argument.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

When you're being earnest, people think you're being sarcastic, and when you're being sarcastic, they think you're being earnest. The moral in all this, of course, is that people should never attempt to communicate.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

At 16, I was drawing cartoons, and I wanted to carry on being a cartoonist.

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

People tend to think I'm a lot more earnest than I am.