Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

For more than 150 years free men in our countries have had the opportunities to educate themselves, choose their own religions, select their own occupations, accumulate capital and invent better ways of doing things.

Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

Costs of manufactured articles importantly depend on the cost of raw materials as well as labour.

Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

No plan can prevent a stupid person from doing the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time - but a good plan should keep a concentration from forming.

Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

Your future is still before you. Your land is a vast storehouse of mineral and agricultural wealth awaiting further development for the benefit of mankind. It potentialities are magnificent.

Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

That the way to achieve higher standards of living for all is through science and technology, taking advantage of better tools, methods and organization.