Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labor was replaced by robots; mental labor is going to be replaced by AI and software.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Universal basic income is not a solution in search of a problem - it is the obvious solution that has been in front of us for years. It only requires us to have the vision, empathy and courage to adopt it for the American people before it is too late.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Mistakes are acceptable if they're the result of moving forward.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

In most every business, you learn by doing. The apprenticeship model is much more effective than the classroom for cultivating entrepreneurs.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Overnight successes are generally years in the making. And most progress is made in isolation, far from the public eye.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

If I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a memo file on my phone and type in three things I'm grateful for. The things I've typed on other days are still there. It's a long list. Always helps.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

The vast majority of small business owners want nothing to do with figuring out a website. They are neck-deep in their business trying to keep it going.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

I'm a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Tell young girls they can be anything, including entrepreneurs and self-made billionaires. Encourage your friends/daughters/female students/yourself to take a shot.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

As a society, we can't hide from the future; we have to build and own it.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

When I was growing up, I'd study for days trying to get good grades. When I'd get an 'A,' I'd feel elation for about 30 seconds, and then a feeling of emptiness.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

A universal basic income funded by a value-added tax, which is a tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale, would spread the benefits of automation to a much wider group of people.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

The reason Donald Trump was elected was that we automated away four million manufacturing jobs in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. If you look at the voter data, it shows that the higher the level of concentration of manufacturing robots in a district, the more that district voted for Trump.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Retail businesses have narrow margins. If you cut off a flow of young consumers, it's only a matter of time before the businesses struggle and fail.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

I had very little going for me as a kid except for the fact that I had demanding parents and was very good at filling out bubbles on standardized tests. I went to the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University because I did well on the SAT. I went to Exeter because I did well on the SAT.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Building a successful business requires a combination of human capital, financial resources, market opportunity, persistence, community support, and even luck.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

It's easy to see how non-profits become engrossed in catering to donors, which may or may not be the best thing at all times, while if a company is ultra-engaged with its customers, it's universally positive and helpful.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

We say success in America is about hard work and character. It's not really. Most of success today is about how good you are at certain tests and what kind of family background you have, with some exceptions sprinkled in to try and make it all seem fair.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Online education and technology are doubtless going to change how we learn in the years ahead. Remote learning is inexpensive and brings down the cost of near-universal access.