Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

You still have Top 40 radio now, but it's 40 different stations. There aren't many hits that everybody knows, and there aren't many real superstars.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

What kind of morons do you have working at newspapers in Austin that would base an entire review of an artist's performance on whether or not they had a good seat?

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

There are a lot of songs that would ostensibly be a good candidate for parody, yet I can't think of a clever enough idea.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I suppose I had my rock star fantasies while I was singing into my hairbrush in the bathroom mirror, but I never really consciously said, 'OK, this is what I'm going to do for a living and I'm going to be Weird Al.'

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I have a long-standing history of respecting artists' wishes.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

A lot of rap songs don't usually have a lot of melody per se.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I've done a movie and a TV series, and someday I'd like to do a successful movie and a successful TV series. That would be nice.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

People never ask people doing serious music, 'Do you ever think about doing funny music?'

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

When I go to my live shows it's often a multigenerational audience, a family bonding experience.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

One of my pet peeves is that sometimes the talents of my band get overlooked because, and it was the same problem that Frank Zappa had, with a lot of groups that use humor, people don't realize there's a lot of craft behind the comedy.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I don't think there are any new media I'd like to cover.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I make charts of songs that are good candidates, good targets, so to speak. Then I try to come up with ideas for parodies. And 99% of those ideas are horrible.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

As much as people are griping about the Internet taking sales away from artists, it's been a huge promotional tool for me.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I like the guitar-driven music of Nirvana at its peak. At that point, I thought there was a lot of really exciting music coming out.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

People that were a little nerdy in high school would look up to me and know it gets better.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

Probably 90 percent of my albums have polka medleys.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

So I'm one of the few celebrities that got to do a repeat performance on 'The Simpsons,' which I'm very flattered by.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

The irony is of course that my career has lasted a whole lot longer than some of the people I've parodied over the years.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I'm watching the charts every week and hoping something will pop into my head.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I'm obviously not a rapper, and I don't have any claims to be one, really.