Daayiee Abdullah
Daayiee Abdullah

The younger they are, the more tolerant and accepting they are of LGBT Muslims, there are even older Muslims who are now supportive, including a grandmother here and there.

Loujain Al-Hathlool
Loujain Al-Hathlool

Lately, I appeared in some foreign media channels, which resulted in more attacks against me, and the number of threats of murder or physical harm against me have increased due to the creation of ugly hashtags by instigators, for the purpose of inciting and mobilizing followers against me; this does not represent a tolerant society at all. In these interviews, I spoke about my experience and what

I went through personally, and I always ended what I said with my optimism towards the future of the Kingdom and its youth, but - unfortunately - this part was usually omitted during the editing stages of said interviews. What the majority does not know is that, for the past 4 years, I have refused to appear in interviews with foreign media channels, because I knew of the threat that they pose to

individuals and for fear of being used as a media tool wrongfully, as well as the tendency of some reporters to paint an ugly picture of Saudi Arabia by exploiting and cutting out parts of what is being said by its citizens - especially those who were part of the Kingdom's scholarship program - without any attempt to show the full picture in a fair and professional manner.

Dschaʿfar as-Sādiq
Dschaʿfar as-Sādiq

One who does not use his intelligence will not succeed and one who does not use his knowledge will have no intellect. One who understands will attain nobility and excellence, and one who is tolerant will triumph. Knowledge is a shield (against evil), truth begets honour and ignorance disgrace, understanding is distinction, generosity is salvation and good manners command love and respect.

Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan

I would say people will want to watch the younger lot rather than me. We need to give them more time. It will be a little harsh to put them aside. They are working in a much more competitive climate. They are working with many more disadvantages than perhaps we were. The audiences too, are not as tolerant as they were in my time. I think the audience gave me a lot of breathing space. I made

mistakes and kept trying to rectify them in film after film. It takes a while to do away with the soiled laundry.

96 Hours
96 Hours

... und glaubt, bloß weil wir tolerant sind, sind wir schwach und hilflos.

Friedrich II. der Große
Friedrich II. der Große

Wer verblendet und grausam ist, kann noch verfolgen; wer aufgeklärt und menschlich ist, muß tolerant sein.

Gerd W. Heyse
Gerd W. Heyse

Es gibt Menschen, die sind tolerant bis aufs Messer.

Helmut Steuerwald
Helmut Steuerwald

Gerade der Islam, dem in der Gegenwart wieder gefährliche und menschenverachtetende Bewegungen entspringen, hat in der Geschichte zeitweise auch bewiesen, dass er sich sehr wohl aufgeschlossen, humanistisch und tolerant verhalten kann.

Karl W. F. Solger
Karl W. F. Solger

Die Genies kommen nie in Kollisionen, die Charaktere sehr oft. Das Genie muß im höchsten Grade tolerant sein; denn die Idee kann sich unendlich vervielfältigen, ohne daß die Formen, in denen sie erscheint, sich gegenseitig begrenzen. Nur Künstler, in denen das Talent das Genie überwiegt, sind streitsüchtig.

Norbert Burger
Norbert Burger

Das ist eine Stadt, in der es sich gut leben lässt: Weil die Menschen offen sind, das Klima tolerant und nicht alles so ordentlich, sondern ganz gemütlich ist.