Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

We use trains and planes, but they are not our trains or planes. The (Westerners) manufacture them and export them to us…. We own them, but we don't manufacture them. We don't even produce a single nail in any of these cars…. Islam teaches us to do things professionally. Doing things professionally is a religious duty…. The Prophet said that Allah ordered to excel in everyhting…. Even when

killing, you must do well…. We import everything from needles to missiles. This is our nation. We still haven't manufactured an engine in our Arab countries. We assemble parts, but have no manufacturing industries.

Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern

The sweet spot is acknowledging that we have pressure on our infrastructure. And I think, actually, that is common ground between all parties that will form this government because there is undoubtedly strain based on the fact that we have had a government that’s entire growth agenda has been based on population growth rather than focusing on making sure that we move to a productive economy. Our

view is that it is about the settings. It is about making sure that we are meeting the skills gaps that we have – and we do have them in New Zealand – meeting those skills gaps by making sure that we are undertaking those work tests, by making sure that our export education industry isn’t exploiting people, and by making sure that people on temporary work visas aren’t exploited either.

That’s the area we’re focused on, and there’s agreement there.

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee

In the circumstances it is much to be regretted that the men have not as yet responded generally to the call to return to work. A hold up of the food supplies of London will inevitably cause hardship and grave inconvenience to millions of ​householders; but this is by no means the end of the damage. The handling of the country's overseas trade normally stretches to the limit the capacity of our

available shipping. A hold up of any length delays the turn-round of ships and cannot be made up subsequently. The stoppage cuts millions of dollars and other needed foreign currency off our earnings—and cuts them off finally. Already the prospect of attaining this month's export target is affected, the gap in the balance of our payments is widened and the pace of national recovery slowed down.

I cannot believe that the general body of strikers have hitherto realised the true consequences of their action. They should return to work and allow any grievances they may feel to be dealt with by the proper machinery.

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee

Our future as an industrial and trading nation depends on the success of our export drive. Increased production and increased exports are vital to the health of the shipping industry. … Our fundamental need is still increased production to enable us to increase our volume of exports and so pay for our imports. … That is the need of the country to-day.

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee

Ever since the population of this little island grew large, trade has been its livelihood. We imported food and raw materials and paid for them by exports of coal and manufactures, by earnings from shipping and other services, and by interest on foreign investments. The first world war injured our position seriously, the second had far worse effects. When we stood alone in the second world war we

threw all that we had into the battle. … We sold our foreign assets. We reduced our production of civilian goods to a minimum. We lost nearly all our export trade and much of our shipping. … We have, therefore, to face now before we have recovered from the effects of the war, and before our long-term plans have taken effect, the necessity of relying entirely on our own resources. This is a

situation as serious as any that has faced us in our long history.

Avanti, Avanti
Avanti, Avanti

Für den Export ist ein Spezialsarg erforderlich.

Helmut Schmidt
Helmut Schmidt

Wenn wir die D-Mark noch hätten, wäre unser Export zusammengebrochen.

Horst Janssen
Horst Janssen

Das Auge eines Zeichners ist ein ziemlich verzwicktes Ding. Die Transaktionen von außen nach innen und von innen nach außen sind recht verquerer Art und ganz und gar nicht so geordnet, wie sie im Im- und Export gemeiniglich sind. Man kann sagen: So ein Zeichnerauge ist ganz unnütz für das Notwendige, überflüssig für das Gemeinwohl, ein asozialer Lüstling und gänzlich ungeeignet fürs


Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler

Das schwerste Symptom des beginnenden Zusammenbruchs liegt in dem, was ich den Verrat an der Technik nennen möchte. Es beginnt statt des Exports von Produkten der Export von Geheimnissen, von Verfahren, Methoden, Ingenieuren und Organisatoren... verschwendet, verschleudert, verraten. Das ist der letzte Grund der Arbeitslosigkeit, die keine Krise ist, sondern der Beginn einer Katastrophe. Die

Gefahr ist so groß geworden für jeden einzelnen, daß es kläglich ist, sich etwas vorzulügen.

Wolfgang J. Reus
Wolfgang J. Reus

Es gibt in Deutschland Politiker, die sprachen nach den Terroranschlägen in der Türkei davon, man müsse den Zutritt der Türkei zur EU neu überdenken, um nicht einen Import des Terrorproblems zu verursachen. Vielleicht sollten sich diese Politiker lieber darauf konzentrieren, den Export ihrer Gedanken und ihrer Moral in die Welt zu verhindern.