`Abd al-Qadir Bada'uni
`Abd al-Qadir Bada'uni

Jalaluddin Khalji led an expedition to Ranthambhor in 1291 AD. On the way he destroyed Hindu temples at Jhain. The broken idols were sent to Delhi to be spread before the gates of the Jama Masjid. His nephew Alauddin led an expedition to Vidisha in 1292 AD. According to Badauni, Alauddin brought much booty to the Sultan and the idol which was the object of worship of the Hindus, he caused to be

cast in front of the Badaun gate to be trampled upon by the people. The services of Alauddin were highly appreciated, the jagir of Oudh also was added to his other estates.”

Stanley Baldwin
Stanley Baldwin

I will not be responsible for the conduct of any Government in this country at this present time, if I am not given power to remedy the deficiencies which have accrued in our defensive services since the War.

Stanley Baldwin
Stanley Baldwin

It became evident to me long before the war was over that the effect of it, which would hit this country hardest in the years immediately succeeding, was the tragedy of the loss of the men who were just qualifying and getting ready to be the leaders of our younger men…There is nothing in the first twenty years after the war that can make good to this country the loss of so many men of that age.

And that was an additional reason why we men who were middle-aged already when the war began should have banded ourselves together by the time the war ended under a vow to our better selves that we would give for the rest of our lives, as a thank-offering to the dead, nothing but the best services we could render to our country. It has become our lot not to seek the ease that we might legitimately

seek, but to carry on to the end and help the next generation that is coming along—the generation that was too young to fight—help that to take its place as and when the time comes. It is, and it will be, a tremendous burden on the older men, but it is their proud contribution—the giving of the best they can to help a broken and a shattered world.

Frederic Bastiat
Frederic Bastiat

Sous ce régime le peuple doit nécessairement souffrir : la raison en est que le système des services publics, outre qu’il trouble le nivellement des valeurs, ce qui est injustice, amène aussi une déperdition fatale de richesse, ce qui est ruine; ruine et injustice, c’est souffrance et mécontentement — quatre funestes ferments dans la société, lesquels, combinés avec le déplacement

de la responsabilité, ne peuvent manquer d’amener ces convulsions politiques dont nous sommes, depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, les malheureux témoins.

Zygmunt Bauman
Zygmunt Bauman

Questioning the ostensibly unquestionable premises of our way of life is arguably the most urgent of services we owe our fellow humans and ourselves.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck

There was a time not too long ago in this country that we used to walk through walls of fire to make sure we weren't funding Hamas or Hezbollah. I have news for ya: there are a lot of universities that are just as dangerous with indoctrination of our children as these terror groups are in Iran or North Korea. With the poll numbers continuing to slide for the new health care bill, our Health and

Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius just said, and I quote, "We need a [video: RE-EDUCATION in fullscreen boldface] re-education process [video of Beck resumes] on healthcare." Oh. Well, how very Kim Jong-Il of you. Or dare I say it? Mao is the "in" one now, isn't he? Re-education. — America, while you have been working hard, while you have been busting your butt, while you have thought

we all generally agree on things, we have been setting up re-education camps. We call them 'universities'.

Ingmar Bergman
Ingmar Bergman

We went to morning services in variouis places and were deeply impressed by the spiritual poverty of these churches, by the lack of any congregation and the miserable spiritual status of the clergy, the poverty of their sermons, and the nonchalance and indifference of the ritual.

François Bernier
François Bernier

…grandees pay for a work of art considerably under its value, and according to their own caprice. … When an Omrah or Mansabdar requires the services of an artisan, he sends to the bazar for him, employing force, if necessary, to make the poor man work; and after the task is finished, the unfeeling lord pays, not according to the value- of the labour, but agreeably to his own standard of fair

remuneration; the artisan having reason to congratulate himself if the Korrah has not been given in part payment.

Bruno Bertez
Bruno Bertez

Quelle est la réalité? Celle qui est incontournable, puisqu’il suffit de lire les chiffres : les États-Unis vivent à crédit! Ils maintiennent un niveau de vie supérieur à ce qu’ils peuvent s’offrir par eux-mêmes grâce au crédit. Les échanges commerciaux des USA sont structurellement déficitaires. Les USA échangent des biens réels, des biens et des services à bon compte, en

contrepartie de reconnaissance de dettes. Reconnaissances de dettes dont la masse ne se réduit jamais et qu’ils n’ont visiblement pas l’intention de rembourser. En plus, ils ont quasi mis à zéro en réel le taux de l’intérêt, ces dettes ne leur coûtent rien! Au stade où les USA en sont, seul le public et les naïfs croient encore au mythe du remboursement, les créanciers eux, n’y

croient plus.

Sergueï Biriouzov
Sergueï Biriouzov

The storming of the Mannerheim Line was regarded as a model of operational and tactical art. Troops were taught to overcome the enemy's protracted defense by a gradual accumulation of forces and a patient "gnawing through" of breaches in the enemy's fortifications in accordance with all the rules of engineering science. Insufficient attention was paid to questions of co-operation among different

branches and services of the armed forces under rapidly changing conditions. We had to retrain ourselves under enemy fire, paying a high price for the experience and knowledge without which we could not beat Hitler's army.