Aaron Eckhart
Aaron Eckhart

I would love to get great performances from actors as a director, because that's what I'm always looking for, a director that's going to help me go places I've never been before.

Aaron Eckhart
Aaron Eckhart

Well, I've thought many times when my career was in the toilet, that I was going to have to seriously consider getting another job, I don't know what I'd do.

Aaron Huey
Aaron Huey

I don't want to do stories that don't have a heart. I'm just not going to be satisfied with stories where I can't be passionate about the subject, where I can't make a difference.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

I've always had that mindset of, 'OK, I may be hot this month or doing really well this month, but don't get too high, don't get too low - just enjoy it.' Don't ride the rollercoaster, basically. I always thought about it like, I'm not going to an amusement park, I'm going to a baseball field.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

If my barrel meets the ball, I think good things are going to happen.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

There should always be competition. You should never feel comfortable, no matter where you are at. If you are a 10-year veteran, you should not feel comfortable. For me, that kind of just drives me, that kind of unknown of what is going to happen. The unknown is kind of what drives me.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

There are some great pitchers in this league. You're going to get fooled sometimes. They're going to get you.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

In baseball, you have to remain calm, cool, and collected. In football, you can let out a little anger sometimes. It was a fun game, and I liked it, but I knew in my heart I was going to play baseball.

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

I think it was like, 'I don't look like you, Mom. I don't look like you, Dad. Like, what's going on here?' They just kind of told me I was adopted. I was like, 'OK, that's fine with me.'

Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

If someone throws you a good slider, you're not going to hit it. You've got to always hunt those ones that kind of pop up or hang thigh-high or up.