Rhys Ifans
Rhys Ifans

If you had to find a period in history that would equate to what the Internet has presented us with now, it would be Elizabethan England. It was a world in flux.

Robert Byrne
Robert Byrne

Everything is in a state of flux, including the status quo.

Robert Collier
Robert Collier

Make your mold. The best flux in the world will not make a usable shape unless you have a mold to pour it in.

Sean Parker
Sean Parker

Start-up teams are always in flux, so, like all start-ups, we're always talking to candidates for various key roles.

Simon Winchester
Simon Winchester

Nothing is eternally stable, and even Kansas isn't really in Kansas anymore. The earth is in a constant state of flux.

Stephen Gaghan
Stephen Gaghan

The movie business has been in enormous flux. It's always changing, and you've got to scramble. The Internet came along and devoured the DVD backend of the movie business. Suddenly you're watching dollars turn into nickels, and that's interesting to me.

Tim Curry
Tim Curry

Musicals are famous for being in a constant state of flux.

Troy Carter
Troy Carter

Being born in the adolescent years of hip hop helped us learn about flux. And when you're in an industry that is constantly growing, changing, maturing... you get a chance to try different things out and a chance to fail.

W. D. Richter
W. D. Richter

Of course, a movie is in constant flux.

Wylie Dufresne
Wylie Dufresne

Neighborhoods change. In some ways, it's part of the beauty of New York City. It's in a constant state of flux.