A. A. Milne
A. A. Milne

I gave up writing children's books. I wanted to escape from them as I had once wanted to escape from 'Punch': as I have always wanted to escape. In vain.

A. C. Benson
A. C. Benson

All the best stories are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape.

Aaron Stanford
Aaron Stanford

I do know that I've read somewhere that it's been statistically proven that in times of war, horror films are much more popular. I don't know why that is. You'd think it'd be the opposite. You'd think people would want to escape from it.

Adam Baldwin
Adam Baldwin

I was involved with drama departments since the 5th grade. I played at it. It was an escape.

Adam Conover
Adam Conover

You can't escape culture. You can learn about it. You can criticize it. You can try to move it slowly. But at the end of the day, you can't actually opt out of the culture that you're in.


I'm scared of audiences. One show in Amsterdam I was so nervous, I escaped out the fire exit. I've thrown up a couple of times. Once in Brussels, I projectile vomited on someone. I just gotta bear it. But I don't like touring. I have anxiety attacks a lot.

Adoniram Judson
Adoniram Judson

According to the Burman system, there is no escape. According to the Christian system, there is. Jesus Christ has died in the place of sinners, has borne their sins; and now those who believe on Him, and become His disciples, are released from the punishment they deserve. At death, they are received into Heaven and are happy forever.

Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock

Pardon me if this all sounds corny, but when you put on a record, I'd like it to be an escape from everything you do.

Agnes Bruckner
Agnes Bruckner

For me personally, I think I just enjoy movies about werewolves or vampires because it's not like an everyday thing. It's something you can really escape into.

Agnes Bruckner
Agnes Bruckner

I'm a huge gamer! I love playing 'World of Warcraft.' It helps me wind down and escape reality for a few.