Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk

Word of mouth works now, much more than ever. @-reply every single person.

Gerry Cinnamon
Gerry Cinnamon

And it's all just from word of mouth. No big marketing. That means the folk who come to the gigs are there 'cause they love their tunes. That means it's real.

Gord Downie
Gord Downie

Ultimately with our band, it's word of mouth. It seems to be the largest cause of The Hip outbreak - if we can align ourselves with a virus.

Imogen Heap
Imogen Heap

Even though the popularity and the fanbase is much much greater, and more people have heard about me through things like the Grammys and the Ivors and touring and word of mouth, it doesn't reflect in the sales of the record and doesn't go into my pocket.

Isaac Hanson
Isaac Hanson

Word of mouth is way more important than millions of dollars spent marketing.

Issa Rae
Issa Rae

'Awkward Black Girl' is spreading to all the right people because of word of mouth and social networks. I'm so grateful.

Jacky Ickx
Jacky Ickx

Happy to see that the Automobile Club of Monaco, opened its doors to the public to attend a considerable event. The promotion of this event will be made by the image and by the text, but still by word of mouth.

James Frain
James Frain

Now it's all about the word of mouth, and watching a series on Netflix. That's the way people actually consume this stuff now, instead of waiting for a DVD release you're not really sure you want to buy. And I think it's fantastic, because then I can watch the shows that I missed, over a weekend. I love doing that.

James Lecesne
James Lecesne

In the early '90s, I wrote a play called 'Word of Mouth' in which I played a number of different characters. One was a thirteen-year-old boy who, through a series of diary entries, realizes that he's gay.

Jasmine Guy
Jasmine Guy

I want word of mouth to be our biggest voice.