
Unions in wedlock are perverted by the victory of shameless passion that masters the female among men and beasts.

Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope

They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

Andrew Neil
Andrew Neil

Most children of the underclass are born out of wedlock; relationships are fleeting and unstable (which ensures that what is born into the underclass stays in the underclass). This is a world in which there are almost no worthwhile male role models, which is a disaster when boys turn to youths.

Armstrong Williams
Armstrong Williams

Let's remember the children who come from broken homes, surrounded by crime, drugs, temptation, their peers having babies out of wedlock, but who still manage to get a good education despite the many obstacles they face every day.

Christopher Morley
Christopher Morley

The trouble with wedlock is that there's not enough wed and too much lock.

Don Lemon
Don Lemon

More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers.

Gail Collins
Gail Collins

Conservatives were sure that if you eliminated welfare for single moms, it would eliminate - or at lease greatly reduce - single motherhood. So in 1996 we had welfare reform. Did not change the trend in the least. Soon half of all babies will be born out of wedlock.


The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it - and sometimes three.

John Burnside
John Burnside

I don't want to suggest that matrimony was necessarily a tragic affair - some of our neighbours' marriages seemed quite functional, if somewhat routine; nevertheless, in the workaday world, it is wedlock that is most likely to offer the occasion for life-threatening disappointment.

Louie Gohmert
Louie Gohmert

It began to really eat away with me that in the '60s the federal government, desiring to help poor moms who were dealing with deadbeat dads, decided, 'We'll help: we'll give a check for every child you can have out of wedlock.'