Christian Nestell Bovee
Christian Nestell Bovee

They are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves or their own powers.

Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster

Man is a special being, and if left to himself, in an isolated condition, would be one of the weakest creatures; but associated with his kind, he works wonders.

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

I - obviously, I'm not a big fan of President Obama. I think he's been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically.

Donald Knuth
Donald Knuth

A list is only as strong as its weakest link.

Doug Liman
Doug Liman

With VR, you are directing in a 360-degree environment. The biggest challenge is that the viewer can look anywhere. They might look at the the weakest moments, the very things you edit for TV. You don't control where they look.

Emmeline Pankhurst
Emmeline Pankhurst

Not by the forces of civil war can you govern the very weakest woman. You can kill that woman, but she escapes you then; you cannot govern her. No power on earth can govern a human being, however feeble, who withholds his or her consent.

Eric Betzig
Eric Betzig

Chemistry was always my weakest subject in high school and college.

Farah Khan
Farah Khan

I always feel your movie will be as strong as your weakest link.

Fritz Hollings
Fritz Hollings

I'm truly worried about the country's direction. I can tell you this categorically, we've got the weakest president and the weakest governor in the history of my 50 years of public service.

Georg C. Lichtenberg
Georg C. Lichtenberg

We accumulate our opinions at an age when our understanding is at its weakest.