Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock

I'm full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be clear as crystal and completely calm.

Ali Abdullah Saleh
Ali Abdullah Saleh

Regarding Syria, we already call for dialogue between Syria and all parties concerned, in order to avoid any kind of escalation in the region which may expose the whole area to chaos.

Alice Roberts
Alice Roberts

I consider myself to be a relatively sceptical person. I like to see evidence for myself, and try to avoid speculating beyond available evidence. But I also have to accept some things on trust.

Alija Izetbegovic
Alija Izetbegovic

To seek trouble - this is not courage, this is madness. Courage is the willingness of man to sensibly face the troubles he cannot avoid.

Alison Moyet
Alison Moyet

Becoming famous is a really shocking thing, especially when you don't have aspirations to it. It got to the point where I would try and avoid making eye contact with anyone. It was freaky, and it just happened overnight. I couldn't handle it.

Alton Brown
Alton Brown

Enough people have now mentioned Bill Nye the Science Guy to me that I now desperately avoid it all costs.

Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard

'What if?' is just about the worst question I can ask myself, and I want to avoid it at all costs for the rest of my life.

Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard

I think what I have learned is you can't avoid losing. You're going to strike out a million times. The whole point is not to dodge losing - it's to learn how to lose well.

Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard

The stereotype of New Yorkers is that we're people who avoid warm human interaction, we're always in too much of a rush to enjoy simple things, and that we're just generally rude.

Chris Grayling
Chris Grayling

You can't be allowed to take away the rights of others, and then use your own rights to avoid facing the consequences.