Andrei A. Gromyko
Andrei A. Gromyko

Comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he's got iron teeth.

Andres Segovia
Andres Segovia

The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.

Andrew Mason
Andrew Mason

I feel like clout is something that builds up on your teeth.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

When we, as humans, articulate, our tongues tend to hit the back of the teeth.

Angie Harmon
Angie Harmon

I was not the most attractive child. I had two really big buck teeth. I was horrendous - long, lanky and gangly.

Charlie Pierce
Charlie Pierce

In the fall of 1989, I was writing 600-word columns at the 'Herald.' My heart always was in long-form narrative writing, though. It's what I cut my teeth on at the 'Boston Phoenix.'

Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron

I had these fangs because I had jaundice when I was a kid and I was put on so many antibiotics that my teeth rotted. They had to cut them out. So I never had milk teeth. That was tough, you know, being in school having photos taken while I was pretending I had teeth. It was hideous.

Cher Lloyd
Cher Lloyd

Americans are really harsh about British people's teeth.

Cher Lloyd
Cher Lloyd

I've had my teeth done, which was a massive insecurity for me.

Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase

You could knock my teeth out and break my nose, and there'd be something funny about it to me.