Aishwarya Rajesh
Aishwarya Rajesh

When I travel in Tamil Nadu for shooting, I make it a point to eat at roadside eateries and drink tea/coffee at a tea stall.

Aisling Bea
Aisling Bea

I am too fat and tall to be a jockey. This is not self-deprecation - I realise that I am neither too fat nor too tall - but I am too fat and too tall to be a jockey.

AJ Michalka
AJ Michalka

Elle Fanning is the sweetest, most adorable thing ever. Although maybe I can't say she's adorable, because she's way taller than me.

Ajit Pai
Ajit Pai

Next-generation networks are hard to build. It takes a lot of money and effort to lay fiber, install wireless infrastructure, build satellite earth stations, and more. It also requires a reasonably certain business case for deployment, which is all too often hard to prove in parts of the country with sparse population and/or lower incomes.

Akhil Sharma
Akhil Sharma

I think that books are fundamentally educational.

Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar

I once told someone I could act. They totally bought it. I've been getting away with it ever since.

Al Gore
Al Gore

Consider what kind of car you get. Buy cars and other products that have the least impact environmentally.

Al Madrigal
Al Madrigal

My daughter plays keyboard very well, and my son plays guitar, and they're totally into music.

Al Madrigal
Al Madrigal

I'm delighted to carry on in the tradition of the great reporters like Edward R. Murrow, Ernie Pyle, and Geraldo Rivera to probe vitally important issues of the day, starting with whether I'm Hispanic or Latino.

Al Pacino
Al Pacino

The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. You're in a conversation and everybody's agreeing with what you're saying - even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you don't want to hear.