Jeff Duncan
Jeff Duncan

Do we want someone as secretary of state that is somehow tainted in this Benghazi issue?

Jens Martin Skibsted
Jens Martin Skibsted

The debate on climate change has been tainted by its excessive concern with individual and national interests, short-termism, and lack of solidarity in face of global threats.

Johanna Siguroardottir
Johanna Siguroardottir

A society that does not use the intellectual power of its female population fully is not a wise society. Most women are not as tainted by mistakes in the conduct of the economy as the male population, and now they deserve an opportunity.

John Kennedy
John Kennedy

You're morally tainted if you don't treat both the accuser and the accused with fairness and with respect, and with due process.

John Schnatter
John Schnatter

I will not allow either my good name or the good name of the company I founded and love to be unfairly tainted.

Johnny Vegas
Johnny Vegas

I do need to explore my faith, because it has got lost over the years and it has been kind of tainted through experience. But I also know it's enriched my life, my dad being a Catholic.

Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson

A properly balanced story provides an equal representation of the negative and positive attributes of, I could say the world, but it's actually a being. 'Harry Potter''s a good example. So Harry's the hero, right. But he's tainted with evil. There's a dark and a light in every bit of that narrative. It's well balanced.

Joseph de Maistre
Joseph de Maistre

We are tainted by modern philosophy which has taught us that all is good, whereas evil has polluted everything and in a very real sense all is evil, since nothing is in its proper place.

Keith Ellison
Keith Ellison

I'd tell you whose brand was tainted is Donald Trump. I mean, this guy was tainted every kind of way you could imagine. I mean, no way in the world that Donald Trump is a champion of working people.

Kerry Kennedy
Kerry Kennedy

As mothers, women are often the first to know when the food they feed their children is tainted with pollutants or impurities, because they can see it in the tears of their children and hear it in their babies' cries.