Alan Colmes
Alan Colmes

I think there are some liberals who are extremely biased about Fox News and wish to shun it or wish to criticize any liberal who appears on Fox News. That, to me, is not a particularly liberal attitude.

Anthea Butler
Anthea Butler

Evangelical women are also large consumers of evangelical media and ministries, and their support of these organizations is crucial. Should they shun both Trump and the predominately male evangelical leadership, it may have a ripple effect in these organizations' fundraising abilities and their ministerial efforts.

Anurag Kashyap
Anurag Kashyap

When violence is real and you flinch away from it, violence does not push people to try and imitate that. Often, we shun the violence that makes us flinch, because it disturbs us. And what makes us uncomfortable and disturbs us is not often bad. What disturbs us will not make us imitate that.

Claire Fox
Claire Fox

A cursory look at coverage of the so-called 'Free Tommy' brigade, centered around the alleged censorship of Tommy Robinson, a notorious anti-Islam campaigner, reveals how liberals shun defending the free-speech rights of the unpalatable.


Society may shun bohemia, may put it down, may consider it useless and ineffective, but it is where everything cooks and boils and is created.

Ed Harris
Ed Harris

I made career decisions that came from the part of me who wanted to shun the limelight.

Elizabeth Wurtzel
Elizabeth Wurtzel

Judaism will be enmeshed in pride and shame for as long as it endures. But to endure as a country, Israel must shun both these tendencies.

George Chapman
George Chapman

He that shuns trifles must shun the world.

Giancarlo Esposito
Giancarlo Esposito

The more I get connected to my own breath and my own yogic experience and my own prayer and my own idea, the ideas that have existed for so long - that we all belong to each other and we could live a deeper spiritual existence - the more I get connected to that, the more I shun this world.

Hans Selye
Hans Selye

Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise.