Ernest Mandel
Ernest Mandel

Periodically, the workers do revolt against bourgeois society, not by a hundred, five hundred, or a thousand, but by the millions.

Fiona Hill
Fiona Hill

Every military scenario that the Russians basically engage in their annual exercises, either on their western or eastern flank, always involved some kind of local revolt pulling in outside forces.

George Packer
George Packer

So many writers grew up in tortured isolation, in revolt against their families. I and my sister were in a house where writing was considered the worthiest thing you could try to do.

Hanna Rosin
Hanna Rosin

There comes a point in nearly every book event I've done when a little feminist revolt stirs inside the crowd.

Herman Gorter
Herman Gorter

To judge from all Communist papers, magazines and brochures, and from all public assemblies, one might even surmise that a revolt of the poor peasants in Western Europe might break out at any moment!

Howard Mumford Jones
Howard Mumford Jones

I, for one, hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us.

Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez

I've been in revolt for years against ignominy, against injustice, against inequality, against immorality, against the exploitation of human beings.

Hussein of Jordan
Hussein of Jordan

We oppose occupation of land by force and we believe in dialogue as the method for regaining Arab rights. This is the spirit of the Great Arab Revolt.

Ingmar Bergman
Ingmar Bergman

On a personal level, there are many people who have meant a great deal to me. My father and mother were certainly of vital importance, not only in themselves but because they created a world for me to revolt against.

Irving Babbitt
Irving Babbitt

We must not, however, be like the leaders of the great romantic revolt who, in their eagerness to get rid of the husk of convention, disregarded also the humane aspiration.