Andy Richter
Andy Richter

If somebody's looking at pictures of naked people and you go, 'Oh I don't want to see that,' you're lying. Cause naked people are always interesting. Always. Whether they're beautiful, or naked or 500 pounds.

Anthony Bennett
Anthony Bennett

Definitely was eating bad after surgery. I was overweight by, like, 20, 30 pounds.

Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain

I did go into the Amazonian region of Brazil. They have prehistoric river fish that weigh in at around 600 pounds, which you don't see anywhere else. And foods that cannot be exported or even found in other parts of Brazil.

Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown

I was real skinny in high school. I was real fast and explosive. I just didn't really have a good nutrition plan; I didn't understand how important it was to be healthy. I was eating hot fries, potato chips in the morning, Capri Sun. That was like my breakfast. That changed when I got to college - I put on 20 pounds of muscle.

Charles Oliveira
Charles Oliveira

I love it here, 145 pounds is my division.

Charles Oliveira
Charles Oliveira

Sometimes at 155 pounds I was the smaller fighter, at 145 pounds I am more often the bigger fighter, and the taller fighter.

Charles Oliveira
Charles Oliveira

Lightweights are heavier and bigger than me. I walk around 166 pounds, and other lightweights come down from 198, so they are stronger than me.

Charles Schwab
Charles Schwab

I frankly think we in the financial service world believe we need appropriate kinds of regulations. No question about that. But when something like Dodd-Frank has been created, sort of in the mystery of night, it is a huge document. It's vast. It weighs about 10 pounds when I carry it around.

Charlie Kimball
Charlie Kimball

People ask how hard it can be sitting down for work during a 500-mile race? Well, without power steering or power brakes, holding onto 650 horses in a car that has nearly 3,000 pounds of downforce and can produce up to 4Gs vertically and laterally can be extremely tough - even sitting down.


My costumes are the same measurements they were when I was 19, 20 years old. I eat pizza and ice cream, but whenever I gain three or four pounds, that sets off a red alarm.