Alex Steffen
Alex Steffen

Deep walkability describes a city that is built in such a way that you can move from one area to another on foot, on bicycle, on transit and have an experience that remains a pleasant one, that you feel you are welcome not just in the neighborhood but moving between neighborhoods.

Alexa Chung
Alexa Chung

I'm not 100% nice all the time, so I find it quite hard to be really pleasant.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Today's business and health care climate may not be pleasant. Cutbacks, pay cuts and layoffs do not make anyone's job easy. But that does not mean that the humor need stop.

Alvin Leung
Alvin Leung

I can't remember a dish my mother made that to me was pleasant. To this day I have a phobia of instant noodles.

Amber Rudd
Amber Rudd

We can't treat issues as taboo because we find them unpleasant.

Amruta Khanvilkar
Amruta Khanvilkar

Commercials certainly pay more than films. I was pleasantly surprised at the profitability of commercials when I did my first ad for a popular soap brand years ago. I was paid a huge amount of money for a mere 30 seconds of screen presence. After that, ads have been a regular feature in my career.

Amy Vanderbilt
Amy Vanderbilt

We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our convenience and which ones may never be if we are to live pleasantly with our fellow man.

Anand Giridharadas
Anand Giridharadas

To spend time in Silicon Valley in a year of political upheaval is, on one level, soothing. It is pleasant to hear talk of wearables, walled gardens, and disruptive beverages in between updates about mass deportation.

Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli

Apart from a period of crisis during my adolescence, when my voice was changing and I could not tame it - it was like a kicking foal that does not listen to reason - I have always been told I have a pleasant and recognizable voice.

Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell

You sometimes get the feeling that people think getting back together after a hiatus to write and record a record is work, you know, arduous and unpleasant. Being able to write and record - that's a privilege. I don't forget the long days I spent working in a restaurant, when I wanted to be done so I could go home and work on a song.