Alvin Lee
Alvin Lee

It wasn't very satisfying playing the big arenas, but it was good as far as a paycheck. But the sound was terrible, especially in hockey arenas - the sound would go on for 30 seconds after we quit playing.

Andrew Card
Andrew Card

Well, paycheck protection is an important ingredient for a successful campaign finance reform measure.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

Many of the scrappy young people I meet who are the first in their family to go to college feel that they have to bring home a steady paycheck to make their family's sacrifices worthwhile.

Andy Van Slyke
Andy Van Slyke

I can only guess that, for guys in their 30s and 40s who watched me play, they understood that the score never mattered and my paycheck never mattered (in relation) to how I played. I played with Little League enthusiasm and professional flair. That's what fans are really looking for.

Ann Kirkpatrick
Ann Kirkpatrick

In 2010, I proposed that Congress take its first pay cut in 77 years, and my effort had bipartisan support. And as part of leading by example, I returned 5 percent of my paycheck every month to pay down the debt.

Anna Kendrick
Anna Kendrick

There have definitely been more than a few moments in my life where I'm wondering where the next paycheck will come from and how I'm gonna pay rent.

Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain

You know, from age 17 on, my paycheck was coming from cooking and working in kitchens.

Arnel Pineda
Arnel Pineda

A job provides so much more than a paycheck. It provides a sense of dignity and belonging. It gives you the opportunity to learn, grow, and be part of a team - or, in my case, part of a band.

Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase

There was a whole slew of 'Cops and Robbersons,' just films that didn't measure up, that didn't stand for anything comedically. They were purely for a paycheck.

Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper

At my age, I dare say I've kind of established myself, and I don't have to chase a paycheck.