Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple

I want to be like the patron saint of reality.

FKA twigs
FKA twigs

Being a gal, people can be a bit patronizing. 'Oh, look at you using the computer.' They would never say that to a boy. And I don't let them do it to me.

George Papandreou
George Papandreou

Many people have been pontificating, and patronizing, and moralizing, and scapegoating, saying you Greeks, you are the problem. I would say we Greeks have a problem. We are not the problem.

Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del Toro

Monsters are the patron saints of imperfection.

Gustav Krupp
Gustav Krupp

Our thoughts fly therefore by themselves in this festive hour of our plant community, to the man whom we thank for the ressurection of our Nation: Adolf Hitler, the patron of German labour and German art.

Heather Brooke
Heather Brooke

Newspapers are not free and they never have been. They can appear to be so, but someone, somewhere is covering the costs whether that is through advertising, a patron's largesse or a license fee. Advertising is no longer subsidising the industry and so the cost must fall somewhere - why not on the people who use it?

Helena Bonham Carter
Helena Bonham Carter

I also get fed up with the fact that casting agents and directors have this impression of me as being frail and petite. I find it very patronizing. I'm quite beefy and strong. I was a gymnast in school and I have lots of muscles.

Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant

This guy Simon Helberg, who's in 'Florence Foster Jenkins,' I might have been vaguely patronizing to him because he hadn't done films before. Gradually, you realize, not only is the guy a much bigger star than me, he's maybe the richest man I've ever met.

Jack Monroe
Jack Monroe

I'm publicist, patron of nine charities, creative director, food consultant, recipe developer - and mum.

Jane Howard
Jane Howard

She was a patron saint of the peripheral.