Gail Collins
Gail Collins

I used to have a sort of soft spot for Huckabee. He seemed to have a genuinely saintly streak, which caused him to defend illegal immigrants and give pardons to criminals who were perhaps a little less rehabilitated than he had imagined.

George Grosz
George Grosz

In the end, they pardoned me and packed me off to a home for the shell-shocked. Shortly before the end of the war, I was discharged a second time, once again with the observation that I was subject to recall at any time.

George Herbert
George Herbert

The offender never pardons.

George T. Conway III
George T. Conway III

Trump revels in issuing pardons, because that power is essentially absolute.

George T. Conway III
George T. Conway III

The Constitution sets out no standards for granting pardons. They require no consent from Congress, and courts can't second-guess them.

George T. Conway III
George T. Conway III

The president may have the raw constitutional power to, say, squelch an investigation or to pardon a close associate. But if he does so not to serve the public interest, but to serve his own, he surely could be removed from office, even if he has not committed a criminal act.

Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ward Beecher

God pardons like a mother, who kisses the offense into everlasting forgiveness.

J. C. Ryle
J. C. Ryle

All men ought to think of Christ because of the office Christ fills between God and man. He is the eternal Son of God through whom alone the Father can be known, approached, and served. He is the appointed Mediator between God and man through whom alone we can be reconciled with God, pardoned, justified, and saved.

John Calvin
John Calvin

God tolerates even our stammering, and pardons our ignorance whenever something inadvertently escapes us - as, indeed, without this mercy there would be no freedom to pray.

John Dryden
John Dryden

Forgiveness to the injured does belong; but they ne'er pardon who have done wrong.