Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon

There is enormous shame around depression of any kind and at any time. And there's enormous social stigma attached to it, which we need to go on fighting. But I think that the sense of depression during pregnancy and early motherhood has been particularly stigmatized, that people especially feel that should be the happiest time of your life.

Angie Harmon
Angie Harmon

Let me tell you, when you're pregnant with the first one, it's great of course, all new and 'Yay!' With the second one it's still okay; you can pay attention to number one and she can share in the joy of the pregnancy.

Ann Hood
Ann Hood

When I was seven years old, I fell in love with a series published by Bobbs-Merrill called 'The Childhood of Famous Americans.' In it, historical figures like Clara Barton, Nancy Hanks, Elias Howe, Patrick Henry, and dozens more came to life for me as children.

Ann McLane Kuster
Ann McLane Kuster

Unplanned pregnancy is an equal-opportunity affliction.

Charlie Pierce
Charlie Pierce

One of the great changes wrought by the increased public awareness of Alzheimer's - and thank you, Nancy Reagan, you wonderful tough old dame, you - is that people in the early stages of the disease are now speaking out while they still have the capacity to do so.

Charlie Trotter
Charlie Trotter

I timed my previous wife's pregnancy to the moment to have my son born on Bob Dylan's 50th birthday. There is no bigger Bob Dylan fan than me. You don't just time the day and impregnate your wife to get your kid to be born on Bob Dylan's 50th birthday.

Chelsea Cain
Chelsea Cain

I often keep my eyes open for bodies. I do. Ever since I was a kid. I think I read too many 'Nancy Drew' books.

Chelsea Cain
Chelsea Cain

I read a lot of 'Nancy Drew' books as a kid and considered myself a bit of an amateur detective.

Chelsea Kane
Chelsea Kane

I think if we were going to worry about teen pregnancy being glamorized, we should worry about shows like 'Teen Mom'. If people are going to want to have children at a young age because they see it on TV, I think that depends on the type of person you're dealing with.

Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

I think pregnancy is a huge responsibility.