Ed Koch
Ed Koch

When I came in, the city was on the edge of bankruptcy. I'm proud of what I did. I built the foundation that mayors after me built upon - particularly Bloomberg. But the foundation was essential because if it hadn't occurred, we would have been another Detroit.

Eduardo Paes
Eduardo Paes

I really do believe that mayors have the political position to really change people's lives.

Emir Kusturica
Emir Kusturica

I'm fed up with democracy. In a democracy, people vote for the mayors. I wanted to build a city where I will choose the citizens.

Eric Church
Eric Church

To me, the most powerful people in this country, politically, are mayors. If you took all the mayors of the 25 biggest cities and you got them together, you could do more on that level than you ever could through the bureaucracy in Washington.

Eric Garcetti
Eric Garcetti

Mayors are really good at dealing with things practically.

Eric Garcetti
Eric Garcetti

Mayors are accountable. Local governments are accountable.

Eric Garcetti
Eric Garcetti

Mayors in any city are pretty non-partisan people where it's problem solvers.

Eric Garcetti
Eric Garcetti

On things like the minimum wage, where cities as well as states are increasingly looking at income disparity, mayors will have, I think, a very strong voice.

Eric Garcetti
Eric Garcetti

You see as mayors and local officials our jobs are designed so we have more in common with our constituents than Washington politicians can ever have.

Gail Collins
Gail Collins

Billy Jean King could not get credit when her husband was in law school and she was winning the Wimbledon, because he had to sign the cards. You know, you had these cases in the '70s of women who were mayors who couldn't get credit unless their husbands signed for them.