Alexandra Robbins
Alexandra Robbins

You should wear what you want to wear and not worry about trying to paint yourself in a certain image because that self-awareness is what's going to help you become a more independent and more interesting and healthier adult.

Alice Roberts
Alice Roberts

The environment would be better off and everyone would be healthier if we stopped eating meat.

Alison Sweeney
Alison Sweeney

There are times, like after a long day of work, when the thought of an easy drive-through is enticing. But then I remember how crappy I felt when I ate fast food in the past, and it inspires me to head to the grocery store or my local farmer's market and whip up an easy but healthier option.

Alison Sweeney
Alison Sweeney

I'll have wine or a piece of cake once in a while, but I don't look at it as sliding backwards, even if I go a whole week without working out. I don't dwell on it and beat myself up - I just try to have a healthier day tomorrow.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

The studies indicate that focusing our attention on someone else, takes our mind off of our own problems. We stay healthier and thereby live longer.

Alyssa Milano
Alyssa Milano

I feel a lot healthier when I'm having sex. Physically. I feel all these jitters when I wake up in the morning. Just energy jitters. I take vitamins, I work out every day. When I'm having sex, I don't have that.

Amy Morin
Amy Morin

Just because you're struggling with self-discipline doesn't mean you have to raise the white flag and declare your self-improvement efforts a complete failure. Instead, work to increase the chances that you'll stick to your healthier habits - even when you don't feel like it.

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse

I'm much healthier now.

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse

Some people reckoned that I looked healthier when I was bigger but I had terrible skin and no energy.

Chloe Madeley
Chloe Madeley

Remember that all your favourite meals can be made healthier, because the simple fact is, you can never go wrong with protein and veg!