Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson

The fact that the Arctic, more than any other populated region of the world, requires the collaboration of so many disciplines and points of view to be understood at all, is a benefit rather than a burden.

Bryan Konietzko
Bryan Konietzko

We wanted the elemental 'bending' to be based on authentic Chinese traditional martial arts, believing this would lend a beauty and resonance to the animation and the fictitious disciplines. Once we had that idea, I started looking for a Kung Fu teacher/Martial Arts consultant. My search led me to Sifu Kisu and I began training with him right away.

Chris Toumazou
Chris Toumazou

Bio Life Technical's strategy of providing technical due diligence by expert professors from core disciplines and world class experts working with interdisciplinary institutes, such as Imperial College's Institute of Biomedical Engineering, will enable a more thorough scientific evaluation of the technology.

Christina Koch
Christina Koch

To do things that are as complicated and challenging as spaceflight, you have to have all disciplines represented to get the job done.

Chuck Liddell
Chuck Liddell

Train hard, get good coaching, and don't forget that its mixed martial arts. Don't get tied into one style of fighting, and focus on multiple disciplines.

Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch

I studied dance for about 15 years, various disciplines, with classical ballet as my primary.

Daniel Barenboim
Daniel Barenboim

I was never really interested in an operatic post, but I took on the Bastille because it seemed a unique opportunity to build an opera ensemble from scratch, and to deal with all the disciplines that go into opera - the music, the staging and the singing - in an interrelated way.

David Blunkett
David Blunkett

Yes, it will go through the disciplines that all puppies go through including house training and puppy walking, then at twelve month old it the training becomes a lot more rigorous which has to be done carefully otherwise you are in danger of stressing the dog.

David Chang
David Chang

Cooking and gardening involve so many disciplines: math, chemistry, reading, history.

David Christian
David Christian

Modern scientific knowledge appeared piecemeal. Historians wrote about human history; physicists tackled the material world; and biologists studied the world of living organisms. But there were few links between these disciplines, as researchers focused on getting the details right.