Donald E. Graham
Donald E. Graham

A reader's eyes may glaze over after they take in a couple of paragraphs about Canadian tariffs or political developments in Pakistan; a story about the reader himself or his neighbors will be read to the end.

Edmund Morgan
Edmund Morgan

Why consider debates in the English House of Commons in 1628 along with documents on American developments in the late eighteenth century? The juxtaposition is not capricious, because the Commons during this period generated many of the ideas that were later embodied in the government of the United States.

Emily Greene Balch
Emily Greene Balch

In listing these tendencies making for a new world, we must not forget developments in the religious or spiritual thinking and feeling of mankind, where also we feel a strong unifying trend.

Fareed Zakaria
Fareed Zakaria

What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and '60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies.

Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro

Venezuela, given its extraordinary educational, cultural, and social developments, and its vast energy and natural resources, is called on to become a revolutionary model for the world.

Franz Beckenbauer
Franz Beckenbauer

If a Middle Eastern sheikh comes to buy Bayern Munich, he could buy 49 per cent. Fifty-one per cent must stay in Germany with the club. That law came about because of the developments of international football.

Fritz Sauckel
Fritz Sauckel

I was never informed in advance about the start of the war or about foreign political developments.

George P. Shultz
George P. Shultz

World Affairs Councils are great organizations. They help keep people throughout our country alive to important developments in world affairs and underscore that, in the country, we stay engaged and we are part of the world.

George Papandreou
George Papandreou

It is important that the Greek people make decisions on important developments.

George T. Conway III
George T. Conway III

Of course, Trump will always take credit for positive developments - even those he didn't cause, create or do - like the economy he inherited, an electoral 'landslide' that never happened and the Christmas holiday he didn't need to save.