Gary Zukav
Gary Zukav

The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.

James Russell Lowell
James Russell Lowell

The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere.

Jane Pauley
Jane Pauley

This may sound funny, but as much as the 'Today' show matured me, it also was something of a cocoon. I'd been happy there. I never went into the boss's office and pounded my fist on the desk, saying, 'Give me more money! Give me a prime-time show!'


I'm lucky to have a great support system in my friends and some of my family. If you have those people that you trust, go ahead and fall back into them and let them be your hammock and cocoon and let them embrace you.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Jonathan Rhys Meyers

You go through your 20s sort of like a chrysalis in many ways, stretching into your own skin and trying to bust out of a cocoon.

Kelli Williams
Kelli Williams

I love that time when all you want to do is cocoon with your baby in your own little world, when you carry them around all the time in a little pouch or sling.

Kiki Dee
Kiki Dee

We had idyllic summer holidays, building sandcastles with my father on the beach at Bridlington. It might sound strange, but I think that secure cocoon of familial love was so nourishing, it gave me the strength to live life on my own.

Lee Daniels
Lee Daniels

I look at my movies; I call my movies 'the kid.' It's like I'm giving birth. I'm in the cocoon, you know?

Mahershala Ali
Mahershala Ali

In my humble opinion, the ages 22 to about 27 are the most critical years of your adult life. It's your time to gestate in the cocoon of becoming.

Mira Nair
Mira Nair

What's nice about what we have is when you enter the set, the world of film, it becomes this real cocoon, very different from all the publicity. That's the fun part.