Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I do believe that the U.K. over the years has given up a tremendous amount of sovereignty. The bureaucratic nature of the E.U., the different levels of government, the fact that court decisions in the U.K. can be appealed to a higher level of court in Europe, those are all things I don't think Canadians would ever accept for ourselves.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

The pain and hardship the Trudeau Liberals are causing Canadians is just temporary.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I view Indigenous Canadians as an integral part of our society, proud of their contribution to Canadian history, great deal of respect for all they did pre-Confederation, the way that they have been partners in building this society we have, and I'm very proud to represent a dozen First Nations communities in my own riding.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Bill Morneau has betrayed the trust of Canadians over and over.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

We've shown Canadians that, when we have a strong message and when we stick to our principles, Conservatives can win anywhere.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Justin Trudeau had a message of asking Canadians to have trust in our immigration system. The problem is Canadians don't have trust in the Liberals to manage it.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Conservatives need to show Canadians our positive vision and why Conservatives believe what we believe.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

On NAFTA, the Canadian Parliament... is united. We have our partisan differences. When we hold the government to account, as is our role in our parliamentary system, we will absolutely point out what we think they should be doing differently. But when it comes to our relationship with the United States, we do speak with one voice.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

We have to stay away from the personal attacks. I think it turns off a lot of Canadians.