Doug LaMalfa
Doug LaMalfa

A heck of a lot more accountability comes from individuals or the church doing it than the government, that signs off on helping people at 5 o'clock, because it comes from the heart, not from a badge or a mandate.

Drew Carey
Drew Carey

When I did Comic Relief, I did it to be on the show; it's a badge of honor as a comedian to do that show.

Edward Lampert
Edward Lampert

The pushback I get is, 'He's a hedge fund guy.' Full stop. Some places, that can be a badge of honor. In others, it's almost a term of derision.

Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich

The fact is that Sarah Palin positively emanates strength. She gives off the aura of being a strong woman who doesn't back down, and she does it sporting heels and wearing her family like a badge of honour. I am sure there are a million other women out there who are doing the same thing.

Felicity Jones
Felicity Jones

When I was 11 years old, I was a member of 'Press Pack,' which was a thing that would come out in 'The Sunday Times' in England. You'd write articles and send them off and would get a badge saying 'Official Press.' I was really excited about my badge.

Felicity Jones
Felicity Jones

I always had a very strong sense of independence. I really liked being able to buy my Alanis Morissette 'Jagged Little Pill' album. I wore that as a badge of honor. I love not having to rely on anyone.

Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres

I was not a Liverpool fan or a Chelsea fan in Madrid. I was an Atletico fan. I still am. Maybe they're the only badge I will kiss.

George Foreman
George Foreman

Muhammad Ali is a true hero, and the fact there's something wrong with him is his badge of valour. He's a great man.

Gina Barreca
Gina Barreca

Birthdays are a reward for having shown up 365 days in a row. It's like getting a badge for attendance.

Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald

The most important thing my grandfather taught me was that the most noble way to use your skills, intellect and energy is to defend the marginalized against those with the greatest power - and that the resulting animosity from those in power is a badge of honor.