Aaron Ehasz
Aaron Ehasz

Yeah, so when 'Avatar' came out, the social media world and the idea of fan communities were very new. There were forums and you could obviously go to conventions and talk to people, but it wasn't as clear or easy.

Aaron Klein
Aaron Klein

The newly released movie 'Noah' features a retelling of the creation story that clearly depicts Darwinian evolution transforming a single-cell organism into a monkey. The movie also seems to show magic in scenes more reminiscent of the occult than of the Bible story.

Aaron Neville
Aaron Neville

Growing up my mother played Sarah Vaughan and Nat Cole in the house regularly.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

I moved back to Idaho when I was 6 or 7 and then lived in a little town called Twin Falls and then moved to Boise. So quite different from L.A. I'd been to Disneyland a couple of times, and that was the closest I'd been to L.A.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

I grew up all over Idaho - I was born in Emmett, a very small town.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

Yeah, I left Idaho at 17. You know, I graduated high school a year early and just, you know, the typical story, packed up my car and moved out.

Aaron Ruell
Aaron Ruell

There are a lot of hardcore 'Napoleon' fans, and they do the research and find photos of what I look like when I'm not 'Kip-ified.' Those fans recognize me. It happens maybe once a week, where someone will come up to me and be, like, 'Dude, you're Kip.' And I'm, like, 'Yeah, my name's Aaron.'

Aaron Ramsey
Aaron Ramsey

You have to take each game as it comes and not get ahead of yourself.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

I have a big problem with people who glamorize dumbness and demonize education and intellect. And I'm giving a pretty good description of Sarah Palin right now.

Aaron Tveit
Aaron Tveit

People saw me as just a singer - yeah, a pretty face who could sing - and not more than that.