Daniel Caesar
Daniel Caesar

Love songs are kind of like hymns if you think about it. Gospel songs are basically songs of adoration about God, or whatever you want to call Him.

Danny Aiello
Danny Aiello

My father never saw me play ball, and I was an outstanding ballplayer. I missed all that adoration.

Darren Criss
Darren Criss

I have an unabashed adoration of cheesy pop music.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Women as mothers grapple with corresponding contradictions. The adoration they feel for their grown daughters, mixed with the sense of responsibility for their well-being, can be overwhelming, matched only by the hurt they feel when their attempts to help or just stay connected are rebuffed or even excoriated as criticism or devilish interference.

Douglas Rushkoff
Douglas Rushkoff

Apple enjoys 'Harry Potter'-like adoration and queues because it sells physical objects, limited by the pace of assembly lines in China. To own is to have, to have is to hold, and to hold is to show off.

Eddie Rickenbacker
Eddie Rickenbacker

When I was racing, I had learned that you can't set stock in public adoration or your press clippings. By the time I was 26, I'd heard crowds of 100,000 scream my name, but a week later they couldn't remember who I was. You're a hero today and a bum tomorrow - hero to zero, I sometimes say.

Elie Metchnikoff
Elie Metchnikoff

The adoration of human nature by the Greeks appeared in Greek plastic art and was the cause of its excellence.

Emily V. Gordon
Emily V. Gordon

Marriage is not a magical potion that serves to amplify adoration, reduce deep-seated feelings of resentment, erase fears of commitment, or answer questions about whether or not this is the right move. Marriage is a ceremony that cements your current bond to another human being, and while that's a huge thing, that's all it does.

Ethan Canin
Ethan Canin

I've discovered over the years that being subject to both the adoration and the vilification actually makes me more disciplined. It makes me understand that it's the idea of writing a great book that propels me now, whereas it used to be the idea of success.

Evelyn Underhill
Evelyn Underhill

Adoration is caring for God above all else.