The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: Look on the bright side. Nobody got hurt.
Jackson Healy: People got hurt.
Holland March: I'm saying, I think they died quickly. So I don't think they got hurt.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: So you're telling me you made a porno where the plot is the point?

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: I think I'm invincible. It's the only thing that makes sense. I don't think I can die.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: You know who else was just following orders? Adolf Hitler.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: Munich.
Jackson Healy: What?
Holland March: Guy without his balls. A Munich.
Jackson Healy: Munich, is a city in Germany, Munich. München.
Holland March: You sure?
Jackson Healy: My dad was stationed there.
Holland March:

Right. Hitler only had one ball.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: Jesus Christ! One at a time!
Janet: [stunned] You took the Lord's name in vain.
Holland March: No I didn't, Janet. I found it very useful actually. Ok, Janet?

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

[In the midst of being shot at, Healy jumps through a window]
Jackson Healy: March! Gun! Gun!
[March tosses Healy a gun, which careens through the window next to the one Healy just jumped through]
Jackson Healy: Fuck!
Holland March: Shit!

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Kid on Bike: You guys wanna see my dick?
Holland March: Nobody wants to see your dick, dude.
Kid on Bike: 20 bucks?
Holland March: We already paid you 20... what am I saying?

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: What are you doing?
Holly March: I was giving you a rimjob.
Holland March: [horrified] Rimshot!... Rimshot.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holly March: Dad, there's like whores here and stuff.
Holland March: Sweetheart, how many times have I told you? Don't say "and stuff". Just say "dad, there are whores here".
Holly March: Well, there's like a ton.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Fred's Widow: It's my husband, he's gone missing.
Holland March: Missing?
Fred's Widow: I'm terribly worried, it's just Fred's never gone this long before.
[March casually looking around room when he notice ash urn with Fred's name on it]
Holland March: How long has he been missing?

Fred's Widow: Since the funeral.
Holland March: Well, I can start right away.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holly March: You beat people up and charge money?
Jackson Healy: Yeah.
Holland March: Sad, isn't it?
Holly March: How much would you charge to beat up my friend Janet?
Holland March: What?
Jackson Healy: How much you got?
Holly March:

Thirty bucks.
Holland March: That's good, this conversation is over.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: Got a cool ad though. I made your head small because I know you're sensitive about how big it is.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: I was in the pool.
Jackson Healy: You were in the pool?
Holland March: Yeah.
Jackson Healy: Why?
Holland March: I had to question the mermaids. What were you doing while I was working?

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: [to Holly] You're supposed to be at Jessica's.
Jessica: Yeah, sorry, Mr. March. My sister kicked us out. She's having a guy over.
Holland March: Your sister's such a slut.
Jessica: Yeah, I know.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Jackson Healy: So, you know the old lady, right? Did you believe her?
Holland March: What about?
Jackson Healy: When she said she saw Misty alive that night, did you believe her?
Holland March: God, no. She's blind as a bat.
Jackson Healy: Uh-huh.
Holland March:

She has actual coke bottles for glasses. You paint a mustache on a Volkswagen, she says, "Boy, that Omar Sharif sure runs fast."

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

[Repeated line]
Holland March: Fucking Chet.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holly March: [Holly and March are inside their house while Healy is waiting outside] Why don't we invite him in?
Holland March: No animals in the house, sweetheart.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Mrs. Glenn: So does this mean my niece is dead?
Holland March: [impatient/annoyed] YES!
[the room is stunned as Mrs. Glenn clasps her mouth in horror]
Holland March: I mean, uh, yes I'm so sorry.

The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys

Holland March: [walks up to the bar, clearly intoxicated] Hi everyone, I'm Amelia. She's about...
[makes height gesture with his hand]
Holland March: dark hair. Answers to...
[sees topless mermaid swimming in pool]
Holland March: the call of the wild. Just kidding. I forgot her name, but you know, if you see you,

just... if you see, let me know, and tell me... tell me my name.