Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

Younger audiences are into me because I did 'Stuart Little,' and that movie was a very big deal for kids. And in 'Angels in the Outfield,' a generation of kids learned about magic and angels. And then, of course, there are these two blond girls named Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and I played their nanny on their TV show.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

I was a top-notch cartoon model for Hanna Barbera, and they made me into a cartoon series called 'Devlin,' which ran for seven years, and I was on lunch pails and coloring books and all of that. It's really interesting being a coloring book when you're young - most kids colored in coloring books, but I made money off coloring books.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

These days, many people are unwilling to see their dog as an animal. Let's face it: they are cute, but they will bite. Not only do I look at dogs as animals, I look at myself as an animal, which explains why, since I got my permit, I drive with my head out the window.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

I think people are obsessed with their pets because pets don't speak. It's that simple. After you hang up the phone, you never hear a dog say, 'You're a liar, and you are making the same self-sabotaging mistakes that have kept you single for far too long.'

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

I personally won't have anything live in my house that can't move the car on street-sweeping day or grate carrots. Plus, I don't mind being talked to harshly. I want to be challenged by something more complex than a Wheaton terrier.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

Everybody knows if you don't have an examined life, you go mad.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

My father became the Mayor of Indian Wells, California, a tony desert enclave of rich, conservative Republicans.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

I am getting to that age where I am too old to play the boy next door and too young to play Uncle Fester.

Taylor Negron
Taylor Negron

As an American roughly the same age as Barack Obama, I will not be ridiculed or reduced to a stereotype. I want to age appropriately.