Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

And so figure skating was a great vehicle for me to kind of be competitive at something, without having to be big.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

So as an amateur Olympic competitor I loved criticism, because it made me better. But now as a professional I don't really know how to channel it or where to take it, so I don't take it quite as well.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

What was really funny is that as I got older all those guys who called me a sissy in junior high school wanted me to be their best friend because they wanted to meet all the girls that I knew in figure skating.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

From the fall of October, 1980 to March, 1984 I never lost a competition.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

Male figure skating is different than female figure skating; we're not America's sweetheart.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

I just try to touch people's hearts in a way through skating, so they're not just witnessing a performance, they're feeling a performance and they're a part of it.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

Rationality is not one of this industry's attributes.

Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

I didn't want to be the sissy figure skater, you know.