A. R. Ammons
A. R. Ammons

I must stress here the point that I appreciate clarity, order, meaning, structure, rationality: they are necessary to whatever provisional stability we have, and they can be the agents of gradual and successful change.

A. R. Ammons
A. R. Ammons

Definition, rationality, and structure are ways of seeing, but they become prisons when they blank out other ways of seeing.

Abhijit Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee

I mean, I think it's a two-way relationship: I think you should not have too much faith in your own rationality. You should not have too much faith in the rationality of, you know, anybody else either. We all learn together about the way the world is, and I think it's a sort of antidote to wishful thinking of all kinds.

Bernard Arnault
Bernard Arnault

You have to be just as mistrustful of straightforward rationality in business as you do of a uniquely gut approach.

Bernice King
Bernice King

I don't know if you realize this, but anger is anger. It has no mind. It has no rationality. It's mad, and it just wants to destroy.

Brian Eno
Brian Eno

When governments rely increasingly on sophisticated public relations agencies, public debate disappears and is replaced by competing propaganda campaigns, with all the accompanying deceits. Advertising isn't about truth or fairness or rationality, but about mobilising deeper and more primitive layers of the human mind.

Bruno Latour
Bruno Latour

The only shibboleth the West has is science. It is the premise of modernity and it defines itself as a rationality capable of, indeed requiring separation from politics, religion and really, society. Modernisation is to work towards this.

David Gregory
David Gregory

I think that there's a strain in journalism that believes that anyone who surrenders him- or herself to faith and to belief necessarily checks reason and rationality at the door.

David Packard
David Packard

I think that we must find some way to get more common sense, more rationality, in our decisions and less emotion.

Dick Wolf
Dick Wolf

If you're going to vote on a television contract, there is a certain rationality to saying that the same structures that are applied to Health Plan participation should be placed on the right to vote on a strike.