Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I'm certainly not inventing anything new with drag.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I want to see some queer politicians, some drag queens and drag kings running for office and shifting the way that policy is made as well.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

There's so many more themes of drag than just fierceness.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I'd say my fashion or beauty tip is to take the thing about you that makes you most distinctive and then exaggerate it. So if you have a little bushy unibrow, make it a dramatic unibrow. If you're balding, go completely bald.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I hope that people look at Brooklyn as kind of a drag utopia, because that's what it's been in my experience - all genders and bodies and ages doing drag.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I'd like to see drag really cultivate its political roots.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

For me, my greatest weakness is also my greatest strength: I'm a complete overthinker about everything.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I like a little Barbra Streisand!

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

Drag is about asserting your power and your brilliance and your importance.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I have an art magazine about drag called 'Velour,' named after myself, and I have a monthly show called 'Nightgowns' that curates and presents some of the most creative and high-quality drag in a professional theater setting.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

Pride, to me, is a celebration of the past because we have come such a long way from the very first Pride parade marking the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, so it's a celebration of all that we've accomplished.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

It was definitely my grandmother who introduced me to fashion.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

We still live in a country where there's disproportionate violence faced by our community, especially trans people and trans people of color. I think activism within the queer community continues to need to focus on those issues first.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I think Bianca Del Rio should be in politics.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I've learned that I am a complete workaholic and that no amount of sleeplessness or exhaustion will keep me from taking on new or ambitious projects. That is both a good quality and a terrible one, I think.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

The truth is, a lot of people go to drag shows, really, for very light entertainment, and I think sometimes maybe we don't even give the audiences enough credit as to what they'd be down for.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

The political nature of 'Threepenny Opera' is immediately visible. I just think that that's not always a part of acceptable and fun entertainment that we're exposed to - that political side.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

It is important to me to keep fighting for the rights of those who cannot.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

I hope we see more avenues for representation. More TV shows and films starring queer people, especially QPOC and nonbinary folks, more mainstream press coverage of our artwork and fashion, and more representation of our interests within politics.

Sasha Velour
Sasha Velour

Trans women, trans men, AFAB - which is assigned female at birth - and non-binary performers, but especially trans women of color, have been doing drag for literal centuries and deserve to be equally represented and celebrated alongside cis men.