Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

My friend had told me about 'Stranger Things' and how I had to watch it. I was like, 'OK, I will!' I binged it in, like, a day and was like, 'Oh my gosh, Mom, you need to watch this show. Everyone needs to watch this.' A week later, I got the breakdown for Max. A month later, I got the part.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I'm a very lazy person, so I don't really do things or go out very much, but when I do get out of the house, I do get recognized a lot.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

My Miu Miu gown at the Golden Globes was the first time I had anything custom-made for me.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

My mom always plays Madonna in the car, so I was kind of familiar with what she was into in the '80s.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I've been compared to a lot of redheads. Here's the thing though: you can look nothing like somebody, but if you both have red hair, all of a sudden people think you look exactly the same.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I'll skateboard now and then from time to time.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I'm 16, and I'm still self-conscious. Everyone is at this age.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

For me, fashion is one of the biggest changes. I never got to wear Chanel or anything like that, growing up, or really experience fashion the way I get to now.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I'm not really about spending every second on social media. I think there's a lot more useful things you can do with your time.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I always felt stupid at the skate park. Everyone else is just wiping out and getting hurt, but they didn't even have helmets and knee pads - and I'm over here looking like some kind of marshmallow. I felt so ridiculous.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I'm open to trying multiple different types of styles.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

When I'm at home doing nothing, obviously I don't really dress up.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

Before, I would just only stick to a few certain colors that were considered good for my skin tone and good for my hair. But ever since 'Stranger Things,' the wardrobe people there, they would always stick me in these super bright colors. I discovered all these new colors that I just like wearing.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I go through so many different phases, just like every teenage girl does.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I think that's what's so fun about fashion: that I don't have to be defined by one particular style. It's whatever I'm feeling that day.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

College is right for some people, and it's not for others. I shouldn't rush into it just because that's what everyone does after high school is you go to college.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

Comfort is number one for me with shoes. I like to do a test walk in heels to make sure I won't fall or get crazy blisters.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

It's become easier to speak up for myself.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

For the Emmys, my friend Rooney Mara designed a dress for me with her brand, Hiraeth. It's so neat to see a sketch turn into a full-on look.

Sadie Sink
Sadie Sink

I would write scripts and little plays and perform them in the living room for my family when I was little with my brother until my mom said, 'Alright, you need to go do it somewhere else other than the house.'