Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I love complex characters - strong females who are vulnerable but have a life and soul. That's what I'm drawn to and what I enjoy most.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I do things on a whim.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

For me, there is a stigma attached to playing beautiful parts. They are often empty characters whom the action happens around. I'm more drawn to characters with a complex internal life, who have a burning frustration underneath that keeps them going.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

People don't know what goes on in my private life, so they have to make conjecture from something that is photographed.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I simply want to take a break and catch my breath. But I also think that, sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to deliberately keep some time free and see what the world throws at you.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I'd quite like to do a film but I'd also love to do more theatre. I want to keep challenging myself with good roles. It's harder for women because there aren't as many challenging roles.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I really love clothes, but I think I have a style of my own which is quite eclectic.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

There's always been a religious strain in me. I can't get rid of it. I don't want to get rid of it. I'm not involved in a church, but I understand that impulse to believe in something that's never going to betray you.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

Cleaning isn't all that interesting to me. I'm disorganized.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I haven't got one or two people that I aspired to be like.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I remembered a mantra that one of my teachers used to tell me at drama school, that every thought will pass across your face. Even if you're thinking about Shreddies the camera will read it.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I'm drawn to damaged, complicated characters.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

My parents are desperate, they keep saying: 'Please stop doing these angsty roles; make it easier for us.' So, yeah, I'd love to do some comedy.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

My remit has always been: I want to do something different from the last thing I've done.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

A cat is incredibly physical, and as a performer, I'm physical. If I feel emotions, they move through my body in a way that is sensual. I'm not necessarily in control of that.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I remember being about 14 when I started wearing shorts and heels. I hated the attention I got. I found it overwhelming.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

It's the preparation that's my favourite part of the process.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

There has been inequality for so long, and now that someone like Trump is in charge, we're face to face with how much misogyny there is in the world. But things are moving quickly, and you just want to say, 'Let's think about this, because we don't want to jeopardise real change.'

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I studied history at university, so I'm always quite fascinated by the Second World War and France. That's one of my interests.

Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson

I tend to make bolder and more interesting choices after I've done theatre.