Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I'm one of the people who actually laughs at everyone else's jokes!

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I don't want to be one of those comics who says, 'Hey, what's wrong with air travel?' and stuff like that.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Audiences around the world are all pretty similar. People just rock up and want to have a laugh, although Americans whoop more than English crowds.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Because I don't wear a suit, and have such a horrible boy band face, people assume that I'm not doing satirical material.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Britain is perceived as a laughing stock and a mess. It's a very scary and divided place.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I don't want to do a rabidly left-wing show. I think it's much more interesting to turn the knife on yourself.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

If you're doing 70 gigs in a tour, there's a lot of responsibility. People need a big night out, and you're providing it.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Question Time' is a nice forum for reasoned political debate. There's no point having me on there trying to crack jokes.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I'm really not into technology at all. My brother has to plug the Xbox in for me.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

If I was to get into Twitter I'd expose myself to people who adore me or people who absolutely hated me. Neither of those are useful to my soul.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I'm quite good at talking about things I care about.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

You can make bleak things funny but if you're glib about it, it doesn't work.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Whenever I come to Ireland, I end up just bantering with the crowd so the show will just be what it is.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I do cryotherapy, which is where you're in minus 70 and you have three minutes of deep freeze and your body thinks it's dying so it produces loads of blood cells and then you're fine - apparently.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I get panic attacks about dying, it's terrible. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and my brain goes 'you're going to die, you're going to die, you're going to die.'

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I spent a lot of my childhood sat on a wall thinking, waiting for my mum to pick me up.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

My Mum is not used to being in-front of camera.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

When you see the American chat shows, they've got so many ideas about what they could with the guests. I did stand-up on 'Jimmy Fallon' and they had loads of sketches and ideas, we don't tend to do that here.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

Whenever the word 'weird' is mentioned it can only be an insult.

Russell Howard
Russell Howard

I'm happy when I'm working.